Jai Shree Ram Kainchi Dham Nainital

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How did Neem Karoli Baba save a soldier’s life?

Neem Karoli Baba: नीम करौली बाबा को हनुमान जी का भक्त माना जाता है। आज कैंची धाम में नीम करौली बाबा को हनुमान जी के साथ पूजा जाता है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि बाबा को दिव्य शक्ति प्राप्त थी। अपने दिव्य शक्ति से उन्होंने एक सैनिक की जान भी बचाई थी।

Neem Karoli Baba: Neem Karoli Baba has devotees all over the world. It is believed that Apple company founder Steve Jobs and Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg are also devotees of Baba. These people have progressed so much only with the blessings of Baba. In this article, we will know about a miracle related to Baba in which he saved a soldier from the enemy’s bullet while sitting at home.

Baba’s Miracle

An elderly couple used to be devotees of Neem Karoli Baba. Both of them used to live in Fatehgarh. One day Baba reached their house and told the couple that tonight I will rest at your house. The couple was very happy to see Baba but being poor, they started thinking in their mind, how will we respect Baba? Then they somehow arranged dinner for Baba. After Baba ate, they made him sleep on the cot and gave him a blanket to cover himself. Both the husband and wife slept by spreading a mat on the floor near the cot.

Baba was shot
When the night grew late, Baba started groaning as if someone was hitting him hard. Still Baba somehow slept with the blanket wrapped around him and when it was morning, he wrapped the blanket and gave it to the husband and wife and said, go and float it in the Ganga without opening it. When the husband and wife lifted the blanket, it was quite heavy. Both of them started thinking in their minds that we had given Baba an empty blanket at night, how did it become so heavy? Then both of them floated the blanket in the Ganga without opening it. After that Baba went somewhere else from Fatehgarh.

Son returned alive

After about a month, the son of that couple returned home, who was working in the British army at that time. At the time when Neem Karoli Baba came to the couple’s house, the Second World War was going on and the couple’s son was posted in Burma (Myanmar). After coming home, the son told his parents that one month ago, one night the enemy army had surrounded my entire battalion. The enemy kept firing throughout the night, all my companions were killed in that firing but I don’t understand how I survived. The most surprising thing is that I was not hit by a single bullet. This was the same night when Neem Karoli Baba was staying at that couple’s house and was moaning while sleeping the whole night. After listening to the son, the husband and wife understood why Baba was moaning while sleeping that night? And why had that blanket become so heavy in the morning? Due to this belief, even today devotees offer blankets at Baba’s Kainchi Dham Ashram.

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